Got a gardening question?
Ask Allen!
For the better part of the last decade, Allen Smith has been the green-thumb go-to guy for all things Rogue Compost. From annuals and perennials to shrubs, trees, gardens, lawns and more. If you’ve got a question, odds are Allen has your answer. Here’s a sampling of the most-asked questions.
Compost Tips for Trees & Shrubs in The Rogue Valley

Spring is here! What’s the garden-chores checklist for April?
Our Answer
How do I care for plants affected by winter weather?
Our Answer
How do I choose and care for a live Christmas tree?
Our Answer
How can I plant a tree like a pro?
Our Answer
What are the benefits to planting native plants in the fall?
Our Answer
Why should I add mulch around the base of my trees? And how much mulch should I use?
Our Answer
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