I love hummingbirds and I love the color red! What are some good flowering-plant options that work in our growing zone and attract these amazing birds?

Hummingbirds are truly amazing! And it’s funny that you ask about red flowers. Because not only is red a vibrant, showstopper color for your garden, it’s also the hummingbird’s favorite color. Here is a list of some gorgeous red hummingbird-friendly flowers these quick flying pollinators will be drawn to.
- Bee Balm
- Full sun or afternoon shade, summer blooms
- Cardinal Flower
- Full sun to partial shade, later summer to early fall blooms
- Columbine
- Sun or shade, spring to early-summer blooms
- Coneflower
- Moderate sun with afternoon shade, mid-summer to early fall blooms
- Coral Bells
- Full sun to light shade, late spring to early summer blooms
- Coreopsis
- Full sun, summer blooms
- Garden Phlox
- Full sun, mid-spring to mid-summer blooms
- Hibiscus
- Full sun, early summer to first frost blooms
- Penstemon
- Full sun to light shade, spring and summer blooms
- Peony
- Full sun to light shade, spring and early summer blooms
- Red Daylilies
- Full sun to partial shade, summer blooms
- Yarrow
- Full sun, early summer to early fall blooms
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