How can I make my yard and patio area more inviting?

With spring in full bloom, it’s time to think ahead to the patio entertaining days to come. Now’s the perfect time to spruce up the garden area around your outdoor patio to make the most of your backyard.
- Break out the containers — Using containers on the patio or throughout the yard brings nature that much closer and adds pops of amazing color throughout. If you’ve already got some containers, consider adding to them. Try layering the containers at different heights and creating groupings of like or complimentary colors. To add some whimsy to the look, try mixing in a few old metal buckets, wooden crates, thrift shop cement planters or anything else that can hold a live plant. Just makes sure to drill a few holes in the bottom and add some gravel for drainage. When it’s time to plant, Rogue Compost is the perfect go-to for container gardening.
- Try a statement planting — Have a certain type of plant you just love? Consider buying multiples — the more the better — and doing a mass planting around the patio or in one specific part of your yard. To give the plants a healthy head start and the best possible natural material to grow in, don’t forget the Rogue Compost. You can buy it in bulk at the Transfer Station or have it delivered right to your door.
- Turn up the lights — Nothing sets the mood for an outdoor garden dinner or get-together like soft lightbulbs or twinkling lights strung overhead. There are more options than ever, many of which can be left up and enjoyed year-round.
- Discover the magic of wisteria — With its cascades of purple or white softly-scented flowers, wisteria can turn any garden area into a showstopper. You can train it to climb up the back of your house, or use a pergola to create the vehicle on which the flowers can hang and look their drapey best. If you haven’t done it before, consider having your soil tested. Once you know what type you have — and what nutrients can help you create a garden showplace — Rogue Compost can create a custom compost blend, specifically designed for your yard.
- Give your seating area an upgrade — Maybe your patio furniture has seen better days and needs to be cleaned, repaired or replaced. Maybe you’d like to add a piece or two to your existing seating to jazz things up. Or maybe you don’t have patio furniture at all, but would like to. Now’s the time! Options today run the gamut — from relaxed to chic to fancy to quintessential garden. Ultimately, think about how you most often use the space and plan accordingly. Separate pieces let you rearrange on the fly to handle any outdoor situation.
- Add a work station to the patio area— There are all sorts of cool gardening workstations on the market these days. If you do a lot of potting, consider adding one to your patio area. The more rustic and well-worn, the better, so don’t worry about keeping it spotless — you’re working with plants and soil and compost. When you’re done with your current round of planting, the station can double as a backyard beverage area or dessert station.
- Go up with hanging baskets — Hanging baskets are a perfect way to add more flowers and more color to your patio area without using additional floor space. Look for flowers and plants that bloom all summer and mix in a few that trail to add some dimension to the mix. Be sure and add in fragrant flowers too, to fill the air with the beautiful scents of summer. Rogue Compost is ideal for hanging baskets, giving your plants just what they need to help keep the moisture locked in.
- Don't forget the birds and the bees — You can attract birds and bees to your yard — both important pollinators — by hanging birdhouses and bee houses all around your yard. Bird feeders are a great addition as well. Not only are they a huge help to the local wildlife, they add another layer of natural decor to your backyard.
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